Thursday, 15 March 2012

how to make a photocopy

For our latest brief we had to give basic instructions on how to either boil an egg, tie a shoelace, make a photocopy, make a cup of tea, make a sandwich or change a lightbulb. We had to do so in a way that is hasn't been looked at before and is visually interesting.

I went for how to make a photocopy (obviously). I made observational drawings of people in the university library making photocopies and such, then tried the refine the images further. I thought it was really interesting to use discarded photocopies people have left behind, so I tried to incorporate these into make work, letting the text and shapes found create a narrative, rather than just giving direct instructions.

I then comprised these images into a little zine. I had fun with this one, and the new brief we've been set is very exciting! I'll reveal more in due time.

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